Follow us on our journey to be the aroma of Christ in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this summer.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Plan A

Since we leave in two (two!) days (excitement/stress level has been turned up to 11), it seems about time to post a new blog entry and give you all an idea of what we're planning to do in Ethiopia.

Our MK2MK staff and volunteers have been working extremely hard to put together some unique ministry opportunities in Addis Ababa.  If you've been on (or followed along with) MK2MK projects in the past, you know that our M.O. is student ministry.  We go into high schools, build relationships with students, share our testimonies, hold English Clubs, that sort of thing.  We also try to incorporate any and every unique talent and gifting our students have into our ministry.  Sometimes that involves making balloon animals.  Other times it involves storytelling.  One time, it involved juggling fire.

This  year, though, we're trying to take a slightly different approach.  On each project we've tried to incorporate some form of service ministry - things like working in orphanages or impoverished neighborhoods - but this year, we're making it an integral part of what we're doing in Ethiopia.  We'll still be doing plenty of student ministry, but we'll be splitting out time 50/50 between that and holistic ministry.  We've been working closely with the Ethiopian national staff to set up opportunities to serve in communities throughout our time there.

Some of what we're planning to do after the jump...

  • Service in a poor area with young women - health education, HIV/AIDS prevention training, teaching English, teaching marketable skills
  • Service in another poor area helping families with basic needs
  • Community beautification - tree planting, etc.
  • Kids ministry - both in poor areas and though local churches
  • Jesus film showings in villages
  • Student ministry - sports, English clubs, evangelism using tools like Soularium and short films
  • Encouraging and serving the Ethiopian missionaries and their families
Naturally, because this is 1) missions, 2) Africa, and 3) life, this is only Plan A.  We're going to get thrown a lot of hard-to-read pitches, so we'll likely be on Plan B with a week, and by the end of the summer, we just might make it through the entire alphabet.  But that's the beauty of missions, am I right?  Being flexible and looking out for opportunities and trusting that God's going to work no matter how many of our plans go awry.

That's all I've got for now, folks.  Please be praying for us as we all run around making last minute preparations and for safe travel on Saturday.  Plan on the next post coming to you live from Ethiopia!

As always, you can follow us on Twitter @mk2mkethiopia (or on the twitter feed to the right of the page).


  1. Jana,

    The blog is a great idea. I pray that you and all of the other team members have a safe trip to Ethiopia. Trusting in the Lord to direct your steps.

    Rick White

  2. i've bookmarked your blog site and am praying for you all!!! i'm looking forward to following you all throughout the summer! the Lord bless you and keep you and be glorified through all you do and say this summer!

    janet pankratz

  3. I am really excited to be able to follow the project throughout the summer! I will be checking often.

    Wishing I could be there,


  4. Alex,

    We are praying for you to have a great summer and that you would draw nearer to Christ.

    Love, Mom and Dad

  5. Hi Elisa,
    We're excited to think of you ministering over there! Have a wonderful time trusting the Lord in new ways.
    Love you, Mom and Dad

  6. Alex,

    We finished the treehouse. It looks like a big boat in the sky with a ladder and rope off the back. Abbey goes to camp this weekend. We miss you.

    Love, Dad


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